Doubtless, one of Indemar Industriale’s strengths is problem solving and finding custom solutions for any OEM. This attitude finds her clearest demonstration in developing grips for our joysticks and other controls. We can supply grips with a maximum of seven push buttons (ON-OFF or ON-ON) for standard applications, but that it’s not all, because we can use also electronic boards to develop custom solutions with integrated electronic: this technology based on printed circuit, instead of push buttons, allows users to program totally the functions available. About ergonomics and design, the only limit we set is customers’ imagination (and needs).
Furthermore, developing step by step the grips with our customers, we do severe test to certify all construction qualities, if requested.
Most common test are:
- Climate chamber test (-40 C°, +80 C°) to guarantee total functionality also with extreme temperatures
- Endurance test to guarantee a long life to the products despite a massive usage
- IP test to guarantee a high protection level against water and dust
- Vibration test to verify and guarantee that all functions work properly in any condition
- Electromagnetic test to guarantee the right functionality and the total electromagnetic compatibility.
Finally, we can add to your grips your logo; this will give a unique design and an advantage on competitors.