Diversify, then evolve

Building a strong reputation, gaining the trust and esteem of partners, being recognized as a synonym of reliability, nothing can give our group more satisfaction; the cable and lever market places us at the highest levels.

It was a natural consequence, therefore, to apply our method, combined with rigorous criteria, to embark on a new path, which for many could have been a leap in the dark.


A word that has forcefully entered our lives, which we wanted to integrate into our thinking, applying it, first of all, to our accelerator pedals.

Building new OEM components, able to interact with electronic control units, refining processes, helping to reduce emissions and consumption, increasing active and passive safety, all while maintaining the characteristics that have made us an integral part of dozens of earth-moving machines.

The youngest of our production departments, set up among other things with a control station equipped with a software specially created for Indemar Industriale, was entrusted to Iacopo, 30 years old, who every day with his professionalism demonstrates that the only thing what prevents a dream from being realized is the fear of failure.

edited by Fabio Coppola