The Egyptians, already 3000 years before Christ, were among the first to exploit navigation as a means of transport for goods and information; the first rudimentary boats were improved until they looked more and more like modern boats, demonstrating all the potential of the nascent engineering system applied to transport.
At the same time, as far as flight is concerned, in 1903 in North Carolina, USA, the Wright brothers realize one of Man’s oldest desires: to fly.
In just over 100 years, even flying has entered human daily life, and the common denominator is always represented by the stubbornness of those who believed in the “project” to the end.
Crucial sectors, from which Indemar Industriale takes its inspiration to make a significant contribution to the agricultural and earthmoving world, based on technological and sustainable development, supported by the thirty years of experience that has always distinguished our brand.
Edited by Fabio Coppola