Clean Water And Sanitation: Indemar Industriale’s Goals

The Earth, also known as the “Blue Planet”, is made up of approximately 2/3 water.

But not for everyone: although between 2000 and 2017 the percentage of the population with access to clean water went from 60 to 71%, the situation remains critical for around 800 million people who cannot even use basic services for clean water, as alarming is the fact that around 3 billion people do not have the possibility of washing at home.

This strong inequality is not generated only by the hydro-geological conformation of individual countries, but also by the efficiency of distribution networks, as well as the education of individual populations: taking Italy as an example, which has a daily for each withdrawal of 220 liters of water per day and comparing it with the same daily figure in Madagascar which stops at just 10 litres, the great disparity it is evident.

This water shortage also generates a strong transversal impact on many aspects of life on Earth.

Using more water than is naturally “regenerated” in nature creates an increasingly difficult supply of drinking water with a widespread increase in diseases, often lethal, easily preventable and eradicated if there was more respect for resources and greater hygiene education healthcare.

Objective 6 of the goals drawn up by the UN is among the most critical to achieve, because it requires coordination at both a political and financial global level.

The management of Indemar Industriale is well aware of both the difficulties and the vastness of the problem, but it also knows, in its own small way, that reducing water waste and supporting associations that, even just locally, deal with the protection of the environment in general and hydro -geological specifically will be a great example for today’s and future generations.

Edited by Fabio Coppola